Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Guys Great News! (Blocking)

Here is blocking for an animation I am working on for my Reel. Audio is from How I Met Your Mother Season 7. 

The setting is The Alamo and Davy Crockett has just died in the arms of one of his soldiers. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reference for next shot

The Audio is from How I Met Your Mother (Season 7, episode 14) 

I usually don't post my reference, but this was to great not to share. 

The setting is the Alamo and Davy Crockett has just died in the arms of one of this soldiers. Unfortunately it is the one that thinks who ever wears Davy's hat is the new leader... 

Two shots on the shelf for now

 Here are two shots that I was working on but will have to shelve for a little bit. The Minion shot I am going to completely rework. The crab shot is part of a sequence, and unless the rest of the team wants to finish the short I am not sure whether or not I will return to it.